Monday, April 6, 2015

True Safety

It seems like the world is falling apart sometimes, doesn't it?  In this age of instant news we hear of crazy things happening in the government, terrible atrocities happening to people all over the world, and our own country is sliding into moral nothingness.  It can easily make me feel depressed and scared.  What does the future hold for our children?  Will they be safe?  

I pray for our children's safety a lot.  But what do I mean?  When I think of safety I think of no danger, no pain, no death.  But I don't think that's what God thinks of when he thinks of safety.  In this world we will have death, it's pretty much a given, unless the Lord comes back before then.  So it's a little silly to pray that we won't die, huh? 
There is a missionary lady in the Middle East that our church prays for, and she wrote that the area ISIS controls now is just one kilometer from her house.  I can't imagine how scary that would be, but she wrote that she can't imagine being anywhere else.  People are coming to know the Lord and are growing in their faith right there, in the shadow of such evil. 
It's hard to know how to pray sometimes.

Just this morning I read these verses in Psalms 12:7-8--
O LORD, you will keep us safe
and protect us from such people forever.
The wicked freely strut about
when what is vile is honored among men.

If God is going to keep us safe forever, I don't think he means we will never die or have hardship or pain physically.  He isn't talking about physical safety, he's talking about spiritual safety- and that's the kind of safety that is really important- Are my children's souls safe?  Will they live forever in heaven with the Lord because they have accepted Him as their Savior?  That's the safety I need to be worried about.

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