Tuesday, November 11, 2014


After writing this, I realized this post is kind of
scattered, like my brain lately...
Wow, the weather sure changed fast yesterday around here!
We were in town and so we watched the temperature drop while
 we were driving around, it fell 35 degrees in 3 hours!  Made me
wish I had brought my jacket.  So, now we have a fire in the wood
stove, and the kids are rummaging around trying to find their
coveralls, gloves, and hats, while I try to stay indoors!
Ever since Miss E came out of the hospital at birth she has had chronic
nasal congestion.  Her nose runs a lot and at night she has trouble
breathing.  So this afternoon we are going to an allergist to get
her tested for allergies.  I'm kind of nervous about it though
because she is so afraid of doctors, she cries and cries every
time we go, and this test requires them to poke a bunch of needles
in her back, with different allergens in them, to see how she reacts.
It takes 2 hours.  Thankfully my Mom is coming along to help
me out and hopefully we can all stay calm throughout.
I am guessing it's a food allergy, but we'll see.
We'd appreciate your prayers, that the doctors would be able
to figure out what the problem is.  Thanks.
Even though this test won't be any fun I'm thankful that
we have such good medical care.  If we lived 500 years ago
many members of our family would not be here today,
because they would have died from things like ruptured
appendixes or other things that are so easily fixed today.
So there is always something to be thankful for, right?
Through all the storms of life, I am so glad that God is
right there beside me.  Lately I read the book, "Let's Roll",
by Lisa Beamer.  Her husband died on September 11, 2001,
on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania.  She said this,
and I totally agree.
"But I have found safety and security in a loving heavenly
Father, who cannot be shaken, who will never leave me
or forsake me, and in whom I can trust completely. For
those looking for hope, I recommend grabbing the hand
of your heavenly Father as tightly as possible, like a little
child does with his parent.  God is a hero who will always
be there when you need him."
Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly
calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus,
the apostle and high priest whom we confess.
Hebrews 3:1

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