Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Little Miss A

I don't know if you remember, but back in January I mentioned
a little girl, named A, on the blog.  She is about a year old and the cutest
little girl you ever did see.  We actually first heard about her in October
of last year, and submitted our homestudy for her then.
But when T and J's Best Interest Staffing (BIS) meeting was
scheduled first, we had to decide to say no to A, and yes
to T and J.  It was hard for us to say no to A, but our social
worker thought we had a lot better chance of being selected for
T and J.  Well, as you know we were not chosen for T and J,
so after discovering that last week, I asked our social worker
if it was too late to still be considered for A.
She checked with A's social worker, and no, it wasn't too
late!  So we are now waiting, once again, to hear when
the BIS meeting will be scheduled for her.  From our perspective
our chances are not real good for getting her, they are also
looking at 3 other families.  But it just seems like she
would be perfect for our family...

If God wants her here, she will come!

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for
and certain of what we do not see.
Hebrews 11:1

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