Monday, April 28, 2014

In the year, 1911...

Now that the weather is warming up outside it's time for tea!
As I was searching for a place out of the wind, I found something
new I had never seen before.  Out near our stone house there is an
old barn foundation, and last year I discovered that Alice,
the daughter of the man who built our stone house,
had written her name in the cement.  Well, this year, in a different
part of the barn, I found her mom's name, Louie, with the date, 1911.
You can kind of see her name in the photo below.
I wish so much that I had a photo of the family who lived here.
I brought my china doll along for tea today.  She has blond
hair and one hand is missing, but she is a treasure,
because she belonged to my Great-Grandma, who's name
was Emilie.  Her wedding photo is below.
The doll would be about the same age as the barn foundation!
You can see the old stone house in the background.
Now vinca vine covers the old barn foundation.
This old foundation always reminds of this verse from Isaiah 61:4,
which is my prayer for our children- especially for the ones who
come from broken families and hard situations.
They will rebuild the ancient ruins
and restore the places long devastated;
they will renew the ruined cities
that have been devastated for generations.
I am joining A Return to Loveliness today.


  1. Such a sweet post today. I do love that wedding picture!

  2. What a beautiful post and the wedding picture ! Oh they were gorgeous! :)

  3. Lovely post - our home was built in 1914 - I love seeing bits of history here and there - in a house across the way they housed students from the girl's school. One girl scratched her name into the window with her new diamond engagement ring - wonderful treasure! I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,


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