Thursday, May 24, 2012

Our path to adoption - part 3

A year and a half after our third son was born we decided we were ready to adopt again!  After having three boys we thought it would be fun to have a girl, so we told our adoption agency "girl only".  We started waiting and waiting and after six months of hearing nothing we were getting a little discouraged.  So I sent out an email asking people to pray for a miracle and we were chosen for a baby born 10 days later!  Isn't it amazing how God works?  Let me back up a little though-

Remember we had said we only wanted a girl- we had her room all decorated, I had been sewing clothes and a pink quilt and we were ready.  But then our social worker called and said that they had "accidentally" shown our profile to a birthmom who had a baby boy, and did we want to leave our profile in or take it out?  We prayed about it and decided to leave it up to God.  He doesn't do anything accidentally.

We lived in the desert at the time and that winter we had set the record for the number of days without rain.  Everything was so dry and dusty, and I felt dry on the inside too.  Nothing was happening with our adoption, we hadn't heard anything about who the birthmom had chosen for her baby boy and it had been a week and a half already.  I was outside walking on a little trail we had made around our yard and praying, asking God to send that baby boy to the family that would be best for him, asking God for rain, and telling him how I felt so dry inside, and you know what God did?  He sent a little sprinkle, just for me!  It rained for about 30 seconds and then stopped.  I was so amazed.  Then I walked around the yard a little farther and our oldest son came running out of the house yelling that the adoption agency had called and when I called them back they said we were the family the birthmom chose for her baby boy!  We were so excited! 

Our new son was born 11 weeks premature and just weighed 2 lb. 13 oz. when he was born.  We first met him when he was 5 weeks old, however, we couldn't hold him yet because he had just contracted RSV, a very dangerous respiratory virus for preemies, and had to be on the ventilator.  The day after we met him the doctor wasn't sure if he would make it but we are so very glad that he did.  He is our ray of sunshine and we wouldn't trade him for any girl! (: 
We spent a couple weeks taking turns going to the hospital, spending as much time holding him as we could.  I would go during the day and Andy would go in the evening.  It was fun to watch him slowly get better and get more and more of the tubes and wires taken out until he was finally free!  He weighed 4 lb. 12 oz. when we brought him home.  His older brothers were very happy to meet him too!  There were lots of possible side effects from being premature that the doctor warned us about but we have not noticed any of them.  Our son is completely healthy and a blessing from God!
For you created my inmost being;
you knit me together in my mother's womb.
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.  Psalm 139:14


  1. I have loved reading your blog, Carmen! It's so interesting! You write so well!Your adoption stories are SO interesting to read, and it's so neat to see how God was carefully preparing your family for those special boys!

    1. Thanks Melissa, God has definitely blessed us!


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