Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Our path to adoption - part 2

Well, after the adoption of our second son went so smoothly we were ready to adopt again very soon!  We had moved to Arizona though so we needed to find a new homestudy provider and attorneys to work with.  We started the process about a year after our first adoption and once again began the "adoption wait".  One thing you learn as an adoptive parent is that you have basically no control.  You can't control when you will get chosen, who will choose you, or anything.  So it becomes all about trust- trust in God and his perfect plan for you and your family.  That's easier said than done though! 

We hadn't waited too long when we were matched with a birthmother in California.  She was due with a baby boy the end of February.  We were so excited and named the baby Clay David.  Andy had to go out to California the middle of February on business so we all went along and met the birthmother.  Everything went well at the meeting, and since she was due at any time we decided to stay in California and wait for the baby to be born.  We had a good place to stay at guest housing so it wasn't too expensive.  We would talk to the birthmother every few days by phone and things were looking good. 

After two weeks of waiting and still no baby we decided to make a quick trip home for the weekend to catch up on business at home, and while we were driving back to California that Monday the attorney called and said the birthmother was changing her mind.  We were in shock.  We pulled off the interstate and stopped at a Wendy's and just sat in the booth.  We didn't know what to think.  I kept hoping she'd change her mind back but she didn't.  It was so hard.  I still think about Clay and wonder how he's doing.  He ended up being born on my birthday.  I cried for him just the other day.

I have never had a miscarriage myself, but I have heard from women who have had both miscarriages and failed adoptions, that the emotions you feel are the same. 

After that experience God led us to a wonderful adoption agency called Christian Family Care.  They work in Arizona and were great to work with.  One year after we started the adoption process for our third child, we received the long awaited phone call saying that a young birthmom was interested in our family and would like to meet us.  She had a baby boy who was 2 weeks old.  We were thrilled!  The next day we traveled the two hours to meet her and our new son.  Two week old babies don't usually smile, but as soon as I held him, he looked right at me and smiled!  Then after I had held him for a little bit I handed him to Andy and he smiled at Andy too!  Then he went back to sleep.  I guess he knew that he was finally with his Mom and Dad.  He didn't smile like that again until he was six weeks old, the usual age for babies to smile. 

The process moved a little more slowly than it had with our second son, but after a few days we were finally able to bring him home.  There is nothing quite like that feeling of bringing your new child home- you feel so full of joy!  He was such an easy going baby and so happy all the time.  He was just telling us today how thankful he is to be in our family- and we are sure glad he is here too!  If the adoption of Clay would have worked out we would not have our dear son, so just like in every situation, God is faithful and he can be trusted!
As for God, his way is perfect;
the word of the Lord is flawless.
He is a shield for all
who take refuge in him.  Psalm 18:30

1 comment:

  1. Awe, he is precious! Found your story through WAGI. I'm a domestic AP as well!


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