Friday, December 23, 2016

Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! It's been a busy month and I haven't been able to post as often as I wanted.  Now Christmas is almost here.  The food is made, the presents are wrapped and it's time to relax a bit!

This year I've been thinking a lot about Mary and her response to the life changing news she heard from the Angel, Gabriel.  There are lots of times in the Bible where God asks someone to do something hard, but I think Mary's response is one of the best.  She didn't doubt like Zechariah, and she didn't whine like Moses, she just said, "may it be to me as you have said".  I hope I have the same faith and restful trust when God asks me to do something hard.

I will be joining 
Friends sharing tea.


  1. Boy that free standing woodstove really must be wonderful. We do miss ours Carmen that we had in Colorado. Your teaset looks so pretty there on the table. What sweet thoughts regarding Mary and the challenges she faced. Thanks for linking and sharing and Merry Christmas.

  2. What a festive tea setting. Merry Christmas, Carmen!

  3. Carmen, The plaid cloth under your tea set matches wonderfully. The stocking on the mantel add a nice homey feel. Thanks for sharing. Sylvia D.


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