Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Friendly Village

So, how is your January going?  Are you keeping warm?  January is a great month to drink some hot vanilla chai tea, wrap up in a blanket, and enjoy a good book.  Miss E and I had a little tea "pahty", as she says, yesterday, and I wanted to share it with you.

I purchased another Friendly Village tea cup and this plain white teapot with some Christmas money, and I've been looking forward to using them now in January.  The Friendly Village pattern is made by Johnson Brothers in England, and although they were first introduced in 1952, they are still being made today.  I really like the tea cups, with their snowy barns.  They are perfect for this time of year.
We enjoyed our banana nut bread on this fun green transferware plate.
Miss E and I really enjoy our tea parties, it's a fun and easy way to do something girly together!
As we sipped our tea we watched the sun setting on this winter day.
June may have roses, but January has cozy tea parties!

Trust in the LORD and do good;
dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture.
Delight yourself in the LORD
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:3-4
I am joining No Place Like Home


  1. Your tea table is charming, Carmen, and Friendly Village is such a wonderful pattern to enjoy this time of year! I like your crocheted lace topper too. Did you make that? Your little Miss E is cute as a button! Thank you for sharing with us and enjoy your day.


  2. Nice to meet you
    I love your tea cup ,it´s really beautiful!!!!

  3. The Friendly Village is one of my favourite patterns. I agree that January is the time for cozy tea parties!

  4. I'm so happy you have a daughter to share tea party moments with! What special memories the two of you are creating together.


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