Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Peppernuts and Tea

So how is your Christmas season going?  Are you incredibly busy and can't find time for everything?  That's how I felt last week, but this week I think I'll have time to do a little baking.

This morning Miss E and I baked our peppernuts.
This year we made them gluten free, they turned out a little different, but still pretty good!

Usually I don't like all white decorating, but this year with the crazy busyness of the season all white is looking very peaceful to me. 

This sweet little teacup candle was a gift from my Grandma.

Peppernuts are the most traditional of all our Christmas foods.  My family has been making them every year for hundreds of years.  My family all came to America from Prussia, Russia, and Switzerland, but peppernuts are still made today in the Netherlands, which I find very interesting because my family originates from there hundreds of years before they went to Prussia and Russia.  It's quite something that they brought their favorite foods with them no matter what country they went to.  No wonder I have such a hard time breaking with tradition!

I hope you have a little time to savor the season this week as well.  Life goes by so quickly, and the older I get the more I realize we need to enjoy each little moment!
I am joining No Place Like Home


  1. That whole tray looks delightful! White looks very sweet! I enjoyed your posting.

  2. Dear Carmen,
    Your peppernuts look wonderful and your tea tray so inviting! Love the white teacup from your grandma! It's nice to have a little helper in the kitchen. Merry Christmas to you and those you love!


  3. I've never tried peppernuts before and would love to try one. Merry Christmas!


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