Thursday, April 30, 2015

Bad Luck?

You know those days where it just feels like you have the worst luck ever?
Like if it wasn't for bad luck you'd have no luck at all?

I've felt like that lately.  It's probably the same kind of stuff everyone faces, but you know, my list feels pretty bad at the moment- and this is just this week!
One of the kids needs braces and I can really think of a lot of other things I'd rather spend thousands of dollars on.
Our personal bank information came out of the envelope while in the care of the post office so who knows if our identity has been stolen.
I had to wash little girl throw up out of her doll's hair this morning.
One of the boys stepped on a big nail and had to go to the doctor twice this week for antibiotics.

(The flowers are sure beautiful right now though!)

So anyhow, as I was feeling sorry for myself and thinking about what rotten luck we have this morning, all of a sudden I realized, "Wait a minute, our lives aren't ruled by luck.  God has allowed each of these things to happen for a reason."  Maybe our identity will be stolen and our credit will be shot.  But you know what, we would still survive! (:  Maybe God wants us to live more simply anyways.  Who knows.  But I do know that God knows and he has a purpose for the things he sends my way.  I just need to keep trusting, which seems to be the story of my life, and maybe yours too?

The earth is the LORD's,
and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it.
Psalm 24:1

1 comment:

  1. Great perspective! Hang in there. Your columbine is lovely.


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