Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Feeling Blue

After some warm spring days it has cooled off and we are getting some much needed rain.  Although I am thankful for the rain, the cold weather has left me feeling a little blue, so Miss E and I had a blue tea party today to lift our spirits.  At least, to lift mine, her's don't usually need lifting...

The tea cups are Liberty Blue, with a picture of Paul Revere on his famous ride.

Since it will be Easter soon a couple rabbits joined us.  My mom made these for the kids, aren't they cute?  She made each one different for all six children.

This cute little teapot is made by Booths in England and is called British Scenery.  I love the cattle on the lid!

For our treat today we are having biscuits with homemade sandhill plum jam.

Of course, with all our allergies the biscuits are made with a few different ingredients, Amaranth and Tapioca flour, goat's milk, and soda instead of baking powder.  They were a little chewy but not too bad.  I'm pretty sure Miss E liked them anyways!

Our dessert plates are also Liberty Blue and have a picture of Monticello.

I hope that things are starting to look up wherever you live and that spring is starting to peek out!


  1. Hi Carmen,
    Your blue and white is so pretty and who doesn't love transferware! It would perk anyone up. The plum jam on home made biscuits would be such a treat with your tea. Thank you for sharing with us and joining me for tea. Have a beautiful day.


  2. Oh, I forgot to mention the rabbits; they're adorable!


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