Friday, February 13, 2015

Why I like home school

There are several things I like about home school-
one of which is the relaxed atmosphere.
Mr. AJ here, loves his morning coffee-
(don't worry, it's not stunting his growth,
and I only let him have one cup)
and home school provides him with
plenty of time to sip his coffee while he
works on his math or handwriting. (:
I also enjoy taking the kids on field trips.
One day last week we took off and visited
one of our old local courthouses and saw
the monuments and statues around it.
This week we learned about Frederic
Remington, who lived in our area for awhile
when he was young.  I have lots of plans
for visits to other local museums and
historical sights this spring.
I also love the fact that the kids have lots of time
to just be kids.  They don't come home at 4:00 in
the afternoon, tired out and grumpy from being at
school all day.  DJ, below, saved up his money and
bought a four wheeler a couple weeks ago.  He is
loving it, and now he has plenty of time to ride it!

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