Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Cold winter, Warm winter

Although we have had our share of cold winter days
and frosty pink mornings, like the one above,
we are enjoying some very warm winter days
this week!  The robins have returned already
and the geese are busy flying overhead from one
pond to another.  We are ready for spring,
even though it's still 2 months till garden planting time.

Life is full these days.  I am now homeschooling
three of our kids, two 2nd graders and a 5th grader.
They do well in school so it makes for a nice morning
usually!  Miss E likes to sit in her high chair and color
or write while the boys do their work.  I do enjoy
the homeschooling lifestyle, it takes so much less time
than regular school, so the kids have much more
time to play and be creative and have adventures.
But homeschooling also takes a lot of my time,
so it's a trade off.  It's working well for now,
but we haven't decided yet about next year.

We would appreciate your prayers for Miss E.
She has had chronic nasal congestion her whole
life.  We found out before Christmas that she was
allergic to milk, eggs, and soy, and so we took her
off those foods and she improved quite a bit.
But now it's worse again, and her breathing sounds
awful, especially when she's sleeping.  The doctor
thinks she probably needs her tonsils removed,
and so we have an appointment with an ENT
doctor, but it's not till March.  I called to see
if we could get in sooner but we can't.  So we
would appreciate your prayers, that Miss E would
get better so that she doesn't need the surgery,
and that the doctors will have wisdom to be
able to figure out what is causing her runny nose
in the first place, thanks!

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,
and I will give you rest.
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls.
For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.
Matthew 11:28-30

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