Monday, December 22, 2014

Christmas Robins

This year we got our Christmas snow last week~
the kids were sure happy, especially SJ, he loves the snow.
It was pretty, but today it was a warm 54 degrees-
the robins even showed up to enjoy the weather!
They were having a grand time out at the birdbath.
Much better than I was having in the house.

Our family Christmas is tomorrow, so there was a lot
of food to prepare for our brunch and for snacks later.
I had to do all the laundry today so we would have
clothes to wear this week.  Plus, this morning, three
of the kids had some sort of sickness issue going on.
And to top it all off, I was worried about my Grandpa
all day- he passed out this morning for 20 minutes
but they haven't figured out why.  He's now in the
hospital again.  He's had a rough year, this is his
third time in the hospital.  They think he will come
home tomorrow though.  All that to say, I'm not
feeling just real Christmasy right now.  Sometimes
the holidays are just a bunch of work. 
So, I was glad God sent the robins to cheer me up
for a little while this afternoon.  It's good to take
some time to observe the little things now and then!
Well, I need to go fold more laundry...

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