Monday, October 20, 2014

Lake time

We spent a much needed weekend break at a cabin on a lake near us this last weekend, and I'm so glad we did!  Life has been so crazy lately that we needed a little time to just relax and enjoy each other's company again.  We taught the kids to play the card game, Pit, which they actually loved!  Usually we have a hard time finding a game everyone enjoys.  We borrowed my parents' rowboat and the older kids rowed out to an island 1/2 mile away.  We went on the prettiest fall hike I've been on in a while, I don't think the kids appreciated it as much as me, but oh well!  The younger boys had fun climbing all over the rocks that lined the shore, and I mostly tried to keep Miss E out of trouble!  Life with a toddler is a lot different than life with older kids, as I am quickly remembering!  Sometimes I get so tired, but then I remember these verses that have always been a comfort to me during the seasons of life when we've had little kids--

He tends his flock like a shepherd:
He gathers the lambs in his arms
and carries them close to his heart;
he gently leads those that have young.
Isaiah 40:11

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