Friday, January 10, 2014

Life is like a game of chess

(Please imagine there's a nice picture of a chess game right here-
for some reason I could not get my pictures to load, sorry.)

This year at church I have been blessed to be a part of a ladies Bible study, and we are using Jennifer Rothschild's book Missing Pieces as a guide. It's been such an applicable study for me this year, and this week was no exception.

In my life I usually want things to happen more quickly, except the kids growing up, but that's another topic. So anyways, when things don't happen the way I think they should, or at the speed I think they should, it is so easy for me to get frustrated and depressed about it. God has been showing me over and over that this is not what my reaction needs to be. Isaiah 64:4 says-

Since ancient times no one has heard,
no ear has perceived,
no eye has seen any God besides you,
who acts on behalf of those who wait for him.

In her book Missing Pieces, Jennifer Rothschild compares our lives to a chess game. God is the one playing, and he sees the big picture.  He has his moves all planned out from eternity past to eternity future.  We are like a little pawn on the chess board, thinking we know just where and when God should move us, or move our neighbor, when really all we see is a little bit around us.  That's why I like the verse above, it reminds me to wait for God and not try to accomplish things on my own, or get frustrated when my plans don't happen!

If you would like to do Jennifer's study, here is a link to where you can find a copy.  She has many more good illustrations and I would highly recommend it to you!


  1. Wow Carmen, I saw the picture of Luke and thought "who is that other adult male in their family!" I guess I shouldn't be surprised since John is also now the tallest in our family, but time does fly. Miss you guys! Fond memories. . .

  2. Yes, all of a sudden they are grown up! It's hard for me to keep up with sometimes. I hope your family is doing well!


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