Thursday, November 14, 2013

Against the Odds

Here's a look at our odds for adopting a girl through the foster care system- these are not scientific figures, they were done by my math, but I think they are pretty accurate.

Out of all the kids that come into foster care...

50% are able to go back home to their biological families.
40% are adopted by their foster family or a relative.
The remaining 10% are placed on state waiting child lists.  Dividing that 10% up...
7% are boys.
1% are girls over the age of 13.

The remaining 2% are the ones that we look through.  Of them...
More than 1% are part of a sibling group.
So it you followed all those percentages, of all the kids that come into foster care, less than 1% would be possibilities for our family.  Most of them have been through so much trauma that it would not be wise to mix them in with our boys.  So there really are very few girls available to us.  Here is a photo of the girls we've inquired about or submitted our homestudy for this year.
For about half of these girls, a family has been found, which is great!  The rest of them either would not work well with our family, or we are waiting to hear back about them.  They are from all over the country.  Even though our chances don't look too promising, I know that we are doing what God has asked us to do.  Whether we adopt one of these girls or God leads us to someone else, he will fulfill his purpose both for us and each girl in this photo!  What a great promise this is--
The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me;
Your love, O LORD, endures forever-
do not abandon the works of your hands.
Psalm 138:8

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