Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Kitchen Cupboard

This little girl's kitchen cupboard has been in our family
for more than 70 years.  When my Grandma was a little
girl, the carpenter who built their house used the leftover
wood to build this little cupboard for her.  He also made
a desk for her older sister.  My Grandma is on the right,
and her older sister on the left, below.
All the girls in our family have
played with it and used it when they were little, and
now it is ready to be used again!  Tea, anyone?

This summer I gave it a fresh coat of paint.  The photo below
is how it looked before, I loved the cute decals that my
great-aunt placed on it many years ago, when it was last
painted.  Originally it was painted a light yellow.
I love the vintage hardware!

Hopefully our girl will enjoy it as well!  We are anxiously
waiting for Friday, when they have the meeting to decide
whether we are chosen to be Mimi's family or not.  There
 is so much to think about when you adopt an eleven year old!
Thank you for praying.
~May God's will be done.~

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carmen,
    What fun! The cupboard is adorable and amazing that it has been in your family since your grandmother's time. What a treasure it is and perfect for a little girl to play with! My prayers are with you. I can just imagine how excited you must be. Thank you for sharing and coming to tea.



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