Monday, October 7, 2013

Now What?

We received some news from our social worker today.  The foster family who Mimi is currently placed with attends church, and the pastor's family from that church would like to adopt her.  So they would still consider us, but it would be many months before they would schedule the meeting, since the pastor's family doesn't have their homestudy done yet.  Most likely they would choose the pastor's family for her, since she already knows them.  Really, we are glad she is going to a good home, hopefully, but it is still sad for us!

We appreciate so much all your prayers for this situation and for us, God knows what's best for Mimi and we can trust that she is going where He wants her to be.  We wish we could tell that pastor's family how much Mimi has been prayed for!  Hopefully in heaven we can.

So, now what? We don't know.  We trust that God will continue to guide and lead us along!  But, on the other hand, we are feeling disappointed and sad today.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts,
neither are your ways my ways,"
declares the LORD.
"As the heavens are higher than the earth,
so are my ways higher than your ways
and my thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:8-9


  1. Carmen, my heart goes out to your disappointed and hurting heart. Remember that God has no Plan B. This is His plan. Praying for you and Andy. May you continue to trust Him.

  2. Thanks Julie, the part you wrote about God not having a plan B was especially encouraging to me. Hope things are going good out your way!


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