Wednesday, February 27, 2013

More snow + a little history

Well, this has been quite the February!  We broke the 100 year
old record for most snowfall in a month- 21 inches!  Plus the
kids got to have 4 days off school in a row- pretty fun.
While we were "snowed-in" I updated our mantle decor, using
a farm theme, since both Andy and I are the descendants of farmers
and ranchers.  I framed some old photos and had to share a couple
with you.  (You know I love history!)
These are some of Andy's ancestors in front of their log cabin
in Colorado.  He comes from a long line of pioneers.
Makes our life look pretty easy, huh?

This photo of my Grandpa and his sister is almost 100 years old-
aren't they so cute?  I love old photos. 
Looks like March will be coming in like a lion again this year!
~Stay warm~

1 comment:

  1. I love family history!
    You are blessed to have such great photos of your ancestors.
    They did it tough to make a better future for us and I wonder how well we would handle the conditions they lived with then.
    My people were farmers and vineyard workers and had much hardship to overcome when they came to Australia in the 1800s.
    I'm grateful for the sacrifices they made on my family's behalf :-)


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