Friday, January 18, 2013

With Eternity in Mind

Winter sunsets are so beautiful!
In Matthew 16, Jesus was telling his disciples that he would have to suffer and be killed, and then three days later, be raised to life.  Peter didn't like that plan, he thought he had a better one.  So,
Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him.
"Never, Lord!" he said.
"This shall never happen to you!"
Sounds like something I probably would have said.  If someone I knew and loved started talking about how they were going to be killed I'd be planning a way to get them out of the country.  Was Jesus grateful for Peter's concern?
Jesus turned and said to Peter,
"Get behind me, Satan!
You are a stumbling block to me;
you do not have in mind the things of God,
but the things of men."
Peter was looking at things from an earthly perspective.  If we look at life this way we fall into Satan's trap and he has us right where he wants us.  We have  to look at things with eternity in mind.  For example, in our lives we are facing the decision of who we are open to adopting next.  If we look at it from an earthly perspective, what's best/easiest for us in this life, we would want to adopt a healthy newborn.  But if we look at it from an eternal perspective, how could we say no to a hurting 10 year old?  It changes things, huh?  May we be willing to follow God wherever he leads.

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