Monday, November 5, 2012

Love of Country

I love our country.  I love that we have the freedom to choose
our leaders, the freedom to worship how we choose, the opportunity
to improve our lives through hard work, and that there is
justice for all.  Our country is not perfect by any means,
but there is no other place I'd rather live!  I am looking
forward to voting on election day and adding my voice to those
of many others across our nation as we choose leaders
for the next four years.
"I have always given it as my decided opinion
that no nation had a right to intermeddle in the
concerns of another; that everyone had a right
to form and adopt whatever government they
like best to live under themselves."
~George Washington~
We have the opportunity to choose our government
tomorrow, thanks to the sacrifice of many, many people
over the last 236 years.  What a blessing that is!
Of course, I hope that the people I vote for will win!  But no
matter who wins, God is still in control.  I read these verses
a few weeks ago and they were an encouragement to me.
Do not put your trust in princes,
in mortal men, who cannot save.
When their spirit departs, they return to the ground;
on that day their plans come to nothing.
Blessed is he whose help is the God of Jacob,
whose hope is in the LORD his God,
the Maker of heaven and earth,
the sea, and everything in them-
the LORD, who remains faithful forever.
Psalm 146:3-6
The teacup is by Adams of England, and the plates are Historical America by Homer Laughlin.
I am joining Tea Time Tuesday and Table Top Tuesday again today.


  1. Hi Carmen,
    Love your transferware, especially love the red! An interesting post and I know the Lord is always in control. May we all put our hope in the Lord and not in man as the scripture says! Thank you for coming to tea and have a wonderful week, my friend.


  2. I love red transferware! I have started a collection.I hope eveyone remembers to go vote tomorrow.

  3. Your red transfer ware dishes are really lovely. I've never seen them with an American theme before but then I am Canadian. {grin} A well written post. And yes, I believe that God is in control and we need to put our faith and trust in Him. Have a blessed week. Pamela

  4. Lovely teacups that go well with your American flag placemat.

  5. Wonderful transferware and sentiments. I totally agree!

  6. I love your beautiful transferware, it is perfect. I love our country too and am always happy to decorate with patriotic items. Thanks for joining TTT. Hugs, Marty

  7. I lived in the MIddle East for three years, and while it was a wonderful experience, I loved my country even more after living there. We are indeed blessed to enjoy our freedom and may this country always preserve it.

    Susan and Bentley


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