Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Crochet Stars

Here's a cute and easy crochet pattern to use this Christmas!  I found this on pinterest, here are the original instructions, although it's an older post and none of her pictures are showing anymore.

I have had fun making these stars in a variety of ways.  First I made a single star ornament with regular worsted yarn and a size G hook.

Then I crocheted several and tied them together to make a garland.  This is a silly picture of SJ but you can see the garland in the background. (:

Another idea is to use crochet thread and make a small string of stars for the tree.  These are really cute and if you were really ambitious a long string of them would be really fun.  (Did I use too many really's in that sentence???)

I enjoy fast and easy crochet patterns and this one fits the bill!  Hope you all have a great week- we have had someone sick at our house for 8 days straight now... tis the season!


  1. I didn't remember that you were a crocheter. I always think of you as a knitter. :-) I'm working on a star garland right now, but I think I really like this pattern as well.

    1. I always knit back in 4-H, but I almost like crocheting better, it seems faster!

    2. I tried knitting for 2 years in 4-H, but crocheting won out. I agree that it is much faster!

  2. Hi Carmen,
    nice idea to crochet stars. That looks fabulous. I had a pattern from Italy with stars and made a border for a doily. Thank you for sharing this idea.
    Best greetings, Johanna

  3. That garland is soo cute! Almost makes me wish I could crochet. :)


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