Saturday, October 13, 2012

Family life update

Here's a little update on what's going on at our house--

~PD (in photo above) sprained his ankle pretty badly in his football game today, so he'll be out of commission for awhile.

~LA and DJ aren't feeling too well, looks like they might be getting the sore throat/fever that's been going around.

~We have been having the most beautiful fall- perfect weather and the leaves are all turning, it's a great time of year!

~SJ and AJ are going to the pumpkin patch for a field trip this week and they are super excited.  I get to go along too so that will be fun!

~This week we started our ladies' Bible studies at church, I"m helping lead one...  We're doing the study on James by Beth Moore.  I've done lots of her studies and they're always good and challenging, so I'm looking forward to that.

We are staying really busy with all the kids' school activities, football, foster care classes, and church activities.  Being so busy is really not "me", I'd rather sit calmly at home and work on my projects!  But, that's life these days.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your boys are doing better now. I am also doing Beth Moore's Bible study on James. It's excellent and I always enjoy her studies. Blessings, Pamela


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