Sunday, September 30, 2012

My Prayer For Our Next Child

Dear Lord, our next child has been through some very painful
and sad things, that's the whole reason they are in foster care
right now.  This breaks my heart, as I know it breaks Yours.  Dear
Lord, I pray that you would bind up their broken heart.  Take
all those pieces and put them back together like only You can.

Dear Lord, our next child is a prisoner of their dark past.
I pray that you would free them from the captivity to their past,
that you would release them from the darkness of the abuse
and trama that they have experienced.
Dear Lord, I pray that you would bestow on our next child a
crown of beauty instead of ashes, a garment of praise instead
of a spirit of despair.  Please heal their mind and spirit from
the wounds they have experienced.  Replace the hurt with the
beauty that only You can give.  Give them the oil of gladness
instead of mourning.  Comfort them, dear Lord.
Their biological family is broken, dear Lord.  You can rebuild
the places long devastated.  You can renew the ruins of their
past.  I pray that you would give them a new start with
 our family.  Help us to show them Your love, dear Lord.
~from Isaiah 61~


  1. My heart is so touched by your beautiful prayer. I am thankful for those like you who have made a decision to build your family of those who need families. There are so many. I am eager to see what God will do in these circumstances.
    God Bless your family..
    New follower, Debbie

  2. Amen and amen.
    May the Lord hear and answer your prayer Carmen.
    And may He bless you and your husband and give you all the graces necessary for caring for your new child!
    You are inspirational!

  3. Amen! I am agreeing with you in prayer, Carmen. God bless this child as He prepares him for your hearts and your home. And may He bestow upon you and your husband the graces you will need to care for him. God bless you all. Thank you for your visit today.


  4. Thank you so much ladies, we are excited about this but a little nervous too- so many unknowns!


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