Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Going Antiquing

My little sister is going to college this fall, it makes me sad to think of it.  When I went off to college she was only one year old.  Anyways, my mom, sister and I went antiquing yesterday for fun, before she leaves.  Of course, I'm always drawn to the dishes.  We found the pretty purple lilac pitcher at one of the antique malls in a town nearby.  It didn't cost much, but won't it be perfect for a lilac bouquet next spring?  I put it on a shelf of my secretary (photo below) along with two purple teacups, one has an iris and one violets.
On the other side of the shelf I put a baby picture of my mom, since purple was her favorite color when she was a little girl.  Isn't she cute?  I also put a little picture of Jesus, our Good Shepherd.  My mom received this picture in Sunday School when she was little, and then when I was a girl it was in my room.  I love it- Jesus loves us and cares for us so much!

And here is a picture of my secretary- it's my favorite piece of furniture.  It's fun to change around the decorations on the shelves from time to time, and I love the scroll work on it, especially the heart in the middle.  My parents gave it to me for Christmas when I was in high school. 

I'm linking up with Rose Chintz Cottage and A Stroll Thru Life again today.


  1. Hi Carmen,
    What a lovely pitcher you found and it will look stunning with a lilac bouquet in it! Don't you just love things that you pick up and you can already envision what it will look like in your home? Your teacups are nice too.
    Love your secretary! What a wonderful piece that you will always treasure. Your mom is darling in that picture, by the way!
    Thank you for sharing and joining me for tea today. Hope you have a lovely week.


  2. How lovely!
    You found a very pretty pitcher, Carmen.
    I love your display with your mum's baby photo and the other lovely things in your secretary.
    Do you use it for writng letters or journals too?
    It's a wonderful piece of furniture and so special since it came from your parents!
    Have a blessed day..Trish

  3. Love your secretary desk, what a beautiful piece. Hugs, Marty

  4. Thank you ladies for your kind comments!

  5. This is my first time here at Country Cottage and I have a thank you for you! Thank you for confirming in me my love for antiques! My husband is a dear but he is not too crazy for all of the lovely things left to me by my parents. I too have a secretary and you have encouraged me to completely redecorate it with some of my treasures! Your things are lovely and I look forward to visiting with you and your "regulars" often!

    1. Oh, you're welcome! The treasures from the family are always the most special- your husband will probably come around and learn to appreciate them too! (:


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