Thursday, June 21, 2012

Hooray for feeling good!

Some of the wildflowers blooming in our pasture right now.

(To read the beginning of this story click here).  The last few weeks I haven't been feeling too good.  There have been a lot of "laying on the couch all day" days.  It can get a little discouraging.  Last week the doctor gave me some new pills and they seem to have helped though and the last couple days I have felt better than I have in a long time.  It's so exciting to feel good when you've felt bad for so long!  It seems a little silly to be excited to be able to push your shopping cart all the way through Walmart without wearing out but just last week I couldn't even push it a little ways and this week I did the whole thing myself!  (:

Feeling good and having energy is such a wonderful blessing and I am so thankful to be feeling better this week.  You don't realize what a blessing good health is until it's gone.  God is good and he gives us what we need-- yes, there are days when I am so tired of feeling bad-- but God continues to teach me to rely on him and remember that he is the great Healer.  My doctor is great, but he can't heal me, only God can do that. 

But as for me, I will always have hope;
I will praise you more and more.  Psalm 71:14

1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear you are doing better. Thanks for sharing your story and how I can better pray for you. Your blog thoughts are always a blessings. Have taken down some of your recipes!!


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