Sunday, May 6, 2012

How my life has changed this year...

The day after Christmas my life changed.  I have always been really healthy, never thought I was the type of person that would have health problems or end up going to the doctor every week but now that's me.  In the early morning of December 26th I had a grand mal seizure and got my first ambulance ride to the hospital.  After a CAT scan, EEG, and other tests during an overnight hospital stay the doctors determined that they couldn't find anything wrong and sent me home.  I continued having small simple partial seizures at home, and felt bad some days, but I was busy taking care of the family and trying to home school the three oldest kids.  We hoped that it wouldn't happen again.

Then on February 9th I had two more grand mal seizures in the morning and got my second ambulance ride to the hospital.  I spent the night there again and saw a neurologist who put me on anti-seizure meds and told me that most of the time they never can figure out why some people start having seizures.  I wasn't really happy with that answer but didn't know what to think.  Thankfully a lady from our church recommended another doctor to us who is more of a holistic type of doctor.  He has helped lots of people with seizures figure out the cause and he really has helped me.  Through a test he found out that I'm really intolerant of gluten and am not digesting my food well.  There are lots of neurotransmitters in your stomach, so when things aren't working properly down there it can cause seizures. 

So, now I am off of all gluten, including wheat, rye, barley, rice and oats.  I'm also taking pills to help with digestion.  I'm taking 8 pills a day- the only trouble is the anti-seizure pills make me forgetful and I have to remember to take the other pills 15 minutes before I eat and 1 1/2 hours after.  Oh dear.  The hardest time was about 3 weeks after going off gluten, then I really was missing chocolate chip cookies for a few days, but I haven't been missing bread too much at all lately.  I eat lots of corn tortillas and potatoes.  It's all worth it because I feel so much better.  Before I went off gluten I felt yucky, nauseous and tired all the time but now I can go all day and feel good.  It's so nice.  The doctor thinks I should be able to go off the anti-seizure meds in 3-4 months.  That will be so great- I hate feeling so forgetful. 

Andy and the boys have been so supportive and patient with me.  For some reason they didn't want to go off of gluten with me though!  The little boys call my seizures, "ceasars", and one day I was arguing with one of them about something and when they asked, "How do you know?"  I said, "Because I'm smart!"  And he said, "No you're not, you had ceasars!"  I was laughing too much to be upset with him. (:

This has been a really humbling experience for me.  God has been teaching me a lot, and so because of that, I can truly say that having seizures and all that has followed has been a blessing in my life.  It's not the path I would have chosen, but I have definitely learned things I never would have learned otherwise.  A verse that has helped me this spring is Psalm 16:8, "I have set the Lord always before me.  Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken."


  1. Wow Carmen...what a life change! Glad your diet change and medication are helping! I started getting severe migraines frequently about 8 years ago out of the blue! Found out I was allergic to 20+ food items. So 8 years ago I had to drastically change my diet if I wanted to get some relief. It has been VERY hard as I can't eat out anymore or eat snacks people bring to work or church. It has forced me to cook all my meals and do a lot of baking. I make my own bread, icecream, etc. It is A LOT of work but I feel so much better so I totally understand! Your not the only one out there. :)
    -Kristi Friesen

    1. I'm sorry Kristi- 20 different foods to watch out for would be a lot of reading labels! Not eating out is a pain, I agree. Oh well, there are worse things!

    2. You are correct, I do have to read a lot of labels!! You are right, there are worse things. I have to remember that when I get discouraged with my limitations.

  2. Wow Carmen, I didn't realize that you were still experiencing these medical problems. And it's so interesting to read about how big a role gluten has played in your health as well.

  3. Thanks for sharing your story, Carmen. Wow, I had no idea what all you have been going through. Your ending comments on what the Lord is teaching you was precious. I'm so thankful you can see Him as the giver of all good things.

  4. Carmen I didn't realize all that you were going through. I'm so glad you found out what to do to help. What was the doctor's name that help you realize how to help you out?

  5. Thanks for your kind words ladies!

  6. carmen, this is the first but I have seen your blog. I have really enjoyed getting Icaught up with your life through here. had no idea you were experiencing all of this, and I am so sorry I did not know sooner. I'm really glad you have found a doctor who is helping you get some relief. I have been off all grain and starches, nightshades and dairy since the beginning of january. it was very tricky to eat out when we first started, but I have been doing better with that now. I will definitely be coming back to your blog again. thanks for being so candid! -amy c.

  7. Hi Carmen, found your blog thru another site. I got to reading your blog and found this page about your seizures. I, like you, suddenly starting have simple partial seizures and then a Grand Mal three year's ago out of the blue. I have to wonder if an allergy could be something that may have triggered mine as well? I hate the sz meds; they are making me forget everything, including names! Ugh...Thank you for sharing your story and I hope by now you are completely sz and sz med free!! :)


    1. I can identify with forgetting everything! It's so frustrating. I have been off the seizure meds for about a month now, and it's so nice! I still don't remember very well though, but I do feel like I can think straighter! My Dr. acted like for everyone who has adult onset seizures, there is a reason, so I hope you are able to figure it out--


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