Thursday, November 27, 2014

We are so blessed!

We had a great Thanksgiving today, beginning with a wonderful
praise service at church, with many people giving testimony
to God's faithfulness and goodness even in trials.  Then this
afternoon I prepared the food and the table for our family's
Thanksgiving this evening.  It was a lot of fun, complete
with goofy boys and a sweet baby girl who we discovered
likes to drink coffee creamer plain...  We used our Liberty
Blue dishes this year, which the kids love because of the
American history on the plates and tea cups.  I also used
the cow creamer I got at a yard sale this summer for $1-
it was fun, although the boys thought it looked like it
was throwing up when the cream came out it's mouth...

"We are so blessed by the gifts from Your hand,
I just can't understand why You've loved us so much.

We are so blessed, we just can't find a way
Or the words that can say, Thank you Lord, for your touch.

When we're empty You fill us 'till we overflow,
When we're hungry You feed us and cause us to know;

We are so blessed, take what we have to bring;
Take it all, everything, Lord, we love You so much."

~William Gaither, Gloria Gaither, Greg Nelson~

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

My brain is full

My brain is full-

Thanksgiving is this week, how is it Thanksgiving already?
I think I got all our food bought yesterday, our menu on Thursday
for our family Thanksgiving will be:
Mashed Potatoes
Cornbread Stuffing
Cranberry Jello
Cranberry Bread
Apple and Pumpkin Pie
We always have a Thanksgiving with just our kids,
we use the good dishes and eat a fancy meal, and it's always fun.

Aren't cardinals in the snow so pretty?  I love their cheery redness.

We got Miss E's allergy test results back.  She doesn't have any
seasonal or indoor/outdoor allergies, but she is allergic to eggs
and is a little bit allergic to milk and soy.  So we are taking out the
eggs for a few weeks to see if it helps.  So far her poor little nose
is still running, but maybe not quite as much.  I'm thankful we at
least have some answers.

Doesn't this old church look so peaceful?  It's the church that the
family who built our stone house attended 100 years ago.
Unfortunately, life isn't usually this peaceful.  We hurt each
other, we ache for those who are hurt, and we live with the
effects of sin daily.  Makes me long for heaven.

See to it that no one misses the grace of God
and that no bitter root grows up
to cause trouble and defile many.
Hebrews 12:15

Monday, November 17, 2014

Embracing Winter

With this early cold snap we are all thinking, ugh, it's
going to be a loooong winter.  I took these pictures Saturday
and now we are covered in snow!  Maybe it's because
we spent too much time living in Arizona and Mexico, but
this cold weather just isn't my favorite.  So, I decided maybe
I needed to come up with a list of fun things that can only be
done in the winter time, to help me "embrace winter"!

~enjoy a hot cup of tea~
~warm up under an old quilt~
~play table games during the long winter evenings~
~stay warm while finishing that crocheted afghan I started last winter~
~do lots of baking without getting hot~
~wear cozy sweaters~
~dream of Christmas~
~decorate for Christmas~
~shop for Christmas~
~listen to Christmas music~
~celebrate six birthdays in our family~
~enjoy the crackling of the fire in the woodstove~
~watch football on tv~
~wear my warm fuzzy slippers~

Do you have any more to add?

Give thanks in all circumstances,
for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.
1 Thessalonians 5:18

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Christmas past

So, are you thinking about Christmas yet?
The Christmas music has been playing around here
for a few weeks now, and at night I think about how
I'm going to decorate the tree this year!  So for fun,
I thought we would take a look at Christmas past today!
It's interesting to see how the Christmas tree styles
have changed over the years.  So here's three generations
of my family, standing in front of the Christmas tree.

~Christmas 1965~

I love this old German feather tree, and the little village
underneath it!  My mom, (in the photo above with her brothers)
 still puts up this same tree every year in her spare bedroom
with many of the same ornaments!

~Christmas 1988~

Remember the artificial trees with the big fat branches? 
And the gold tinsel and colored, blinking, lights?  The lights
on Christmas trees don't blink anymore.  The photo above is
me with my three brothers.

~Christmas 2010~

Our Christmas tree is loaded with ornaments now.
Each of our kids has their own bagful, and Andy and I
each have some from when we were young.  Each ornament
is a special memory, and it's so fun decorating our tree
each year!  Only a couple more weeks!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


After writing this, I realized this post is kind of
scattered, like my brain lately...
Wow, the weather sure changed fast yesterday around here!
We were in town and so we watched the temperature drop while
 we were driving around, it fell 35 degrees in 3 hours!  Made me
wish I had brought my jacket.  So, now we have a fire in the wood
stove, and the kids are rummaging around trying to find their
coveralls, gloves, and hats, while I try to stay indoors!
Ever since Miss E came out of the hospital at birth she has had chronic
nasal congestion.  Her nose runs a lot and at night she has trouble
breathing.  So this afternoon we are going to an allergist to get
her tested for allergies.  I'm kind of nervous about it though
because she is so afraid of doctors, she cries and cries every
time we go, and this test requires them to poke a bunch of needles
in her back, with different allergens in them, to see how she reacts.
It takes 2 hours.  Thankfully my Mom is coming along to help
me out and hopefully we can all stay calm throughout.
I am guessing it's a food allergy, but we'll see.
We'd appreciate your prayers, that the doctors would be able
to figure out what the problem is.  Thanks.
Even though this test won't be any fun I'm thankful that
we have such good medical care.  If we lived 500 years ago
many members of our family would not be here today,
because they would have died from things like ruptured
appendixes or other things that are so easily fixed today.
So there is always something to be thankful for, right?
Through all the storms of life, I am so glad that God is
right there beside me.  Lately I read the book, "Let's Roll",
by Lisa Beamer.  Her husband died on September 11, 2001,
on the plane that crashed in Pennsylvania.  She said this,
and I totally agree.
"But I have found safety and security in a loving heavenly
Father, who cannot be shaken, who will never leave me
or forsake me, and in whom I can trust completely. For
those looking for hope, I recommend grabbing the hand
of your heavenly Father as tightly as possible, like a little
child does with his parent.  God is a hero who will always
be there when you need him."
Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly
calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus,
the apostle and high priest whom we confess.
Hebrews 3:1

Friday, November 7, 2014

Time for tea

The wind is howling outside, so today Miss E
and I had our tea time indoors, at the little kitchen
cupboard she has in her room.  This is the kitchen
cupboard that originally belonged to my Grandma,
and has been passed around to all the girls in the family
ever since.  We were able to go out in the wind this
morning and find a few roses and mums that
escaped the frost last week.  Next week it's supposed
to be even colder so we will enjoy these while
we have them! 

This sweet little teapot is made by Sadler, and the two teacups
we chose coordinate nicely with the pink and purple of the flowers,
don't you think?  The smaller one that Miss E used is one of my
favorites, the pattern is Castleton Manor.  The larger teacup is by
Sandy Clough, called "Hope".  For so long we hoped and waited
for Miss E, and now she is here and bringing us so much joy!
Hope deferred makes the heart sick,
but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
Proverbs 13:12

We actually drank real tea this time, it wasn't too hot and
Miss E really loved it- she had three cupful's!  Well, I guess
you would call this real tea- the recipe is below!

Vanilla Chai Tea Mix
1 cup nonfat dry milk powder
2 cups French vanilla flavored powdered creamer
2 1/2 cups sugar
1 1/2 cups unsweetened instant tea
1 teaspoon ginger
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon nutmeg
Combine all ingredients in a large bowl.
Store in an airtight container.
Mix 2 heaping tablespoons of mix
into one mug of hot water.

Would you care for some tea, too?
~ I will be joining Sandi for her tea time next week~