Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Tomorrow morning Little A's future will be decided as the
social workers meet and choose her family.  Besides us, they
are looking at 3 other families, so we are praying that she will
go to the family that will be best for her, and that her transition
will be smooth.  She is 1 1/2 years old and really needs to be
in her forever home!  I am repeating these verses to myself today-
Do not be anxious about anything,
but in everything,
by prayer and petition,
with thanksgiving,
present your requests to God.
And the peace of God,
which transcends all understanding,
will guard your hearts and your minds
in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:6-7
We have been waiting for this meeting for Little A for 10 months.
Her picture has been on our fridge most of that time.
I feel kind of attached!  So it will be hard if we are not chosen,
but God will be there too, and he knows.  If we are not chosen
to be her family, we don't know what we'll do next.
We would really appreciate your prayers for the meeting
tomorrow and wisdom in the days ahead!  Thanks much.
(By the way, we won't know the outcome of the meeting for
a week or two while they get state approval for their decision.)

Monday, July 28, 2014

The start of my secret garden

This morning the little boys and I started work
on my new 'secret garden'!  We began by making
a path through the woods behind the house,
ending up in a small clearing, where we placed
a bench.  I am thinking about what type of flowers
I want to plant here.  I definitely want it to look
natural, and I know I want to use some daffodils.

Last week the kids and I went garage saling and here are
my favorite finds- a pinwheel quilt and new tea cup.
I didn't have a yellow one yet, it's pretty, don't you think?

This is the view from the bench-
so peaceful!
It's the perfect place to read a magazine
and get a little inspiration for what flowers
I might want to plant!  I really enjoy
the Country Gardens magazine.

Be still and know that I am God.
Psalm 46:10
I am joining

Saturday, July 26, 2014

16 years ago...

16 years ago, we were wondering, could it be? Might I possibly be in labor?
It was too early though, our baby wasn't due for another four weeks!
We were going to move before he was born!  We didn't have any bags packed!
But, our little LA was in a hurry, like he still is to this day-
always ready for the next thing!  So, after being in the hospital 30 minutes,
our very first son was born.  We were so young, only 21 and 22 at
the time, but we were so happy.  I am very thankful that God allowed me
to experience pregnancy and childbirth.  Back then I had no idea of the
adventures we had ahead, but I wouldn't change anything.  God has
used every experience and hardship and joy to teach us and help us grow.
Now our first son is almost grown, I just can't hardly wrap my mind
around that.  I am so thankful God allowed us the privilege of raising him!
Our children are such a blessing to us.
Sons are a heritage from the LORD,
children a reward from him.
Psalm 127:3

Monday, July 21, 2014

Miniature doll houses

Have you heard of Mini Lalaloopsy dolls?  I think
they are just so cute, so one thing led to another and
here's what I've been busy with lately!
I started with a tin lunch box, and converted it
into a little sweet dollhouse!  The dolls are only
3 inches tall, and this box is about 5 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches,
so it's all pretty small.  I have had so much fun
making them!

Everything fits inside the box so little girls
can take their dollhouse anywhere!

I also made a school house.  This one has two sisters,
so maybe it's a homeschool?

Little books...

If you would like one, I have these two listed

Thursday, July 17, 2014

If you are considering abortion...

Did you know that 92% of all the children with Down Syndrome
in the United States are aborted?
Did you know that in New York City more African American
babies were aborted in 2012 than were born alive?

~This is just so heart-wrenching to me~
If you are in that desperate situation, where you don't see any
choice but abortion, maybe you don't see how you can provide
for your baby, or maybe you don't see how you can take care of
a child with special needs, please find a crisis pregnancy center
in your area, they have many resources to help you.  If you truly
find that you are unable to keep your child, please consider adoption!
We love all our children so much, and are so blessed to have
received four of them through the miracle of adoption.  Each
one is so precious, and our love for them is the same as if they had
been born to us.  If you want more information on adoption,
please contact me, there are many wonderful families who
would be honored to adopt your child, including ours!
Trust me, your child is wanted.

Saturday, July 12, 2014


We are having a really great summer this year.  It hasn't been so
hot and dry like the last few years, so that has been a blessing.
My mom and sister came over this morning and we canned dill
pickles.  We make a pretty good team!  Today is my parents' 40th
wedding anniversary, and my mom was telling us little things
about their wedding day.  I am so thankful for my parents.
The corn across the road is sure growing tall-
and those little country boys are sure growing tall too,
time goes by so quickly.

Satisfy us in the morning with your unfailing love,
that we may sing for joy and be glad all our days.
Psalm 90:14

Friday, July 4, 2014


Live as free men,
but do not use your freedom as a cover-up for evil;
live as servants of God.
Show proper respect to everyone:
Love the brotherhood of believers,
fear God, honor the king.
1 Peter 2:16-17
Happy Independence Day!!

Thursday, July 3, 2014

The White Water Post Office

Can you imagine living 142 years ago, starting your own home
out in the middle of the prairie, with no phone, radio, or tv,
and the nearest mail being 10 miles away by horse or wagon?
That was what life was like for the people who first settled
on our land.  They didn't hear the outside news very often!
So I'm sure they were so excited when a new mail route was
made, with the first post office in their area being built only
a mile away!  The post office was named White Water, after
the creek that runs just to the east of it.  All that remains now
of the post office is two big oak trees out in the middle of the
field, and, as I discovered this year, some daylilies growing in the ditch!

The post office was named White Water, as you can see in
the northwest corner of the 1885 map below, but after awhile it
was renamed to Ovo or Ova, I've seen it written both ways.
They received their mail once or twice a week.
I'm sure they were always so excited for any letters
from back home in the east.  It is likely that the
man who built our stone house found his bride
through the mail that came to this post office,
since she came from Ohio to marry him at the age
of 19, and he was 49! 

So it is likely that the
daylilies that are blooming so well in the ditch
this year, have been faithfully blooming
there each summer for over 100 years.
I wonder what the lady was like who planted them
so long ago?
~I dug a few up and planted them by our house~